1. Advocatenkantoor Roos is a one-man business under Dutch law. These General Terms and Conditions apply to all work performed or to be performed by employees of the one-man business and to all legal relationships of the one-man business with third parties.
2. All instructions are deemed to have been given exclusively to Advocatenkantoor Roos, even if it is the express or implied intention that an instruction will be carried out by a specific person.
3. An assignment to the sole proprietorship is accepted if the sole proprietorship or one of the persons working for it has confirmed this in writing to the client.

4. Any liability of Advocatenkantoor Roos is limited to the amount to which there is a claim in the case in question under the professional liability insurance(s) it has taken out, plus the amount of the excess which according to the policy conditions is not for the account of the insurers.
5. If damage is caused to persons or property by or in connection with the performance of a client assignment or otherwise, for which the sole proprietorship is liable, such liability will be limited to the amount or amounts to which the liability insurance taken out by the sole proprietorship gives claim, including the excess borne by the sole proprietorship in connection with such insurance.
6. If no payment is made under the professional liability insurance taken out by the proprietorship, any liability will be limited to the fee charged, with a maximum of €10,000-.
7. A copy of the current policy with conditions is available for inspection at the office.
8. Except in the event of intent or gross negligence on the part of Advocatenkantoor Roos, the client indemnifies the sole proprietorship for and against all claims, demands and legal actions, as well as damages, costs and expenses that Advocatenkantoor Roos suffers and incurs in connection with any such (legal) claim and/or demand which a third party may at any time have or institute against the firm and which directly or indirectly result from, or are related to, the work or services performed or to be performed by Law Office Roos, for the client, and/or which are otherwise related to the client's assignment to Law Office Roos.

9. The execution of assignments given shall be exclusively for the benefit of the client. Third parties cannot derive any rights from the execution of work carried out for the client. When engaging the services of third parties, Advocatenkantoor Roos will consult with the client in advance where possible.
10. The hiring of third parties is always at the expense of the client. Expenses and costs of third parties paid by Advocatenkantoor Roos on behalf of the client will be charged to the client.
11. Law Office Roos can never be held liable towards the client for activities performed by Law Office Roos on behalf of the client.
12. Law Office Roos is authorized to accept any limitations of liability of third parties on behalf of the client.

Funded legal aid
13. Law Office Roos also assists clients eligible for government-funded legal aid. More information on this can be found at The Legal Aid Board assesses whether the litigant is eligible for government-funded legal aid.
14. If funded legal aid has been applied for on your behalf and is provided by the Legal Aid Board, a co-payment may apply.
15. The aforementioned application is called an 'addition' and is only applied for after consultation between the client and the lawyer handling the case. When an application is submitted, Law Office Roos is entitled to ask for an advance on the expected personal contribution and court fees.
16. If an application for legal aid is rejected, the work will be performed at the hourly rate. In that case, all the provisions in these general terms and conditions regarding the fee and disbursements will apply to all activities performed.
17. Should, if financed legal aid be granted in the first instance, the Legal Aid Board revoke this grant for whatever reason after the legal assistance has been completed, you will be required to pay the full fee for the hours worked on your behalf.

18. The client owes Law Office Roos a fee calculated on the basis of the number of hours spent multiplied by the applicable hourly rate. This hourly rate will be agreed upon with the client.
19. In addition, the client shall owe Law Office Roos the out-of-pocket expenses paid by Law Office Roos on behalf of the client. The client shall pay the sales tax due on all amounts due at the applicable rate.

20. In principle, for the purpose of all work and expenses, an advance invoice or monthly interim bills will be charged.

21. Invoices (or bills) must be paid within 14 days of the invoice date. This will be followed by a maximum of two reminders. If the client does not comply with the first reminder, extrajudicial costs are due. These costs are equal to the maximum collection costs according to the "Besluit vergoeding buitengerechtelijke incassokosten". In addition, a claim to the statutory interest from the date the client is in default is made.
22. In addition, if the client fails to fulfill his payment obligations (in a timely manner), the sole proprietor may suspend or discontinue the work, if necessary, in compliance with the rules of conduct.
23. Advocatenkantoor Roos can, if payment is not made, engage a bailiff. The costs of this will be at the expense of the client.

24. Law Office Roos is at all times entitled to require an advance payment, which will be settled with the final invoice.

Archiving of records
25. Law Office Roos will archive the file. The file will be kept for 5 years, after which time Law Office Roos reserves the right to destroy archived files.

Lapse of claim / statute of limitations
26. Any claim against Advocatenkantoor Roos will lapse one year after the day on which the person whose claim it concerns was aware or could reasonably have been aware of the facts on which the claim is based.

27. Not only Law Office Roos and all those who work or have worked for Law Office Roos, but also all persons engaged or involved in the execution of an assignment may invoke these general terms and conditions.

Complaint and dispute resolution
28. The client may submit a dispute with Law Office Roos and/or one of its employees to the Complaints and Disputes Committee for the Legal Profession.

Applicable law
29. Advocatenkantoor Roos is bound by the rules of conduct and regulations of the Netherlands Bar Association, which can be found on the website of the Bar Association.
30. The legal relationship between client and Law Office Roos, or other third party is subject to Dutch law.
31. All disputes arising from that legal relationship shall be exclusively subject to and decided by the competent court in Amsterdam.
32. Advocatenkantoor Roos is registered with the Chamber of Commerce Amsterdam under number 89885368.