Wij hanteren een uurtarief van 285,– EUR excl BTW (344,85 EUR incl BTW). Eventuele bijkomende kosten kunnen verder zijn: griffierechten, opvragen officiële documenten, zoals uittreksels Kamer van Koophandel, Basisregistratie Personen (BRP), geboorteregister, kosten voor (medische) deskundigen, tolken/vertalers, deurwaarder et cetera.
Legal expenses insurance
In case you have a legal expenses insurance that provides coverage for your case, the insurance will pay (part of) your costs. You can contact your legal expenses insurer for this yourself. In any case, you have a free choice of lawyer. The insurer cannot force you to use an affiliated lawyer. Note: You need prior permission from the legal expenses insurer. Asking permission from the insurer to use a lawyer is basically a formality, because an insurer may not refuse to let you choose a lawyer. However, the insurer may have set limits on the coverage of different areas of law or the amount of reimbursement for attorney fees, for example. For your coverage, you should consult your legal expenses insurance policy.
"Free of charge you can contact us to see if you need an attorney"